Hello goy,
Sorry to bother you and i have something need to talk to you.
Last time, Micky said we can talk to her face to face and notlleave her a paperwwhen we have communication together. However, we had told to herffew hours agoaand she didn't want to listen, and then shouting and fling the door even i havn't finish my words. I had tried my best and said hi to her but she didn't say anything and just got into her room last week. We apology that we don't think that we will have communication with her next time because of her attitute and her behaves in an insulting manner.
Please tell her, she misunderstood our meaning.
Firstly, we never throw our personal rubbish into the rubbish- bin which is in the kitchen because that is for kitchen use. If she wants to throw her personal rubbish, she can throw itaat dump or bring it out when we are throwing rubbish.
Secondly, please remind her to throw her empty bottle and plastics bag away by herself.
Thirdly, we don't want someone touch our person stuff without any permission because we lost something for a while and don't want to think about is there any thief in our house. But we don't mean she can't drink water. We had already put the kettle which is from addiministration office on the table. She can use it if she want.
Fourthly, please tell her to roll up sanitary towel before throw it into ash-bin. No one is willing to see the blood whether inside the ash-bin or not. Also, try to keep the environment trimness,ffor instanceppick up wastepaper which is from the packing of sanitary towel.
We don't care her living habits in her room but care the co-environment that we stay and hope to have a quality life here. Thank you for your help and sorry the way we used to solve problems because we can't have communication calmly with her.
Best wishes,
剛寄出這封信沒多久~ 就聽到外面有人慌慌張張的奔跑聲往我們家而來~ 邊跑邊大叫"Micky~"也伴隨著強力的敲門聲~
搞什麼~只有你會哭嗎? 哭就了不起嗎? 如果真覺得我們欺負她~那拜託你們把她接過去住~不用兩個月~你們就能體會了
更扯的是不久後居然聽到security guard的聲音
有沒有搞錯啊~還有臉叫security guard 來~ 不過他們應該把她當神經病~ 因為我們家那時雖然燈火通明但很安靜~每個人都在寫報告~沒有人有空去理會
不過剛剛收到那位泰國前室友的回信~讓人忍不住說了句"oh my god"
dear, summer
Initially, I have to apologise to you and your friends that I used to misunuderstand you and your friends because of Micky's telling. I know how she is, so I dont wanna know anything about her anymore. and also I dont want to talk with her anymore. you can do anything that you want in your house and dont necessary to care her behavior as well. anyway, I m so sorry again. I think if she makes something rude to you and your friends, you can make the same thing back to her.
Goodluck goy.
剛剛同學說"聽八號的人講 she tried to kill herself last night. what happened?"
小維說 : 如果有人在我面前自殺~我大概只會幫他叫救護車巴 Summer 說 : 呵~我連叫都不叫, 因為~有本事自殺就不要通知別人 小維說 :所以看來我們真的是在比狠的~哈哈哈~我最討厭自殺的人了 Summer 說 : 我沒說錯吧!她只是想要別人的注意 小維說 :是阿 Summer 說 : 真正想死的人是不會敲鑼打鼓的 小維說 :會為了這種無聊的是自殺的~都是為了要引人注意而已 Summer 說 : 是ㄉ
anyway, 真是"歹年冬,厚肖郎"
下午看到冰箱裡的水餃皮快壞了, 於是拿出了絞肉,高麗菜,香菇,蝦子,冬粉,薑,加上一些調味包起了水餃...
吃飽飽的去上strickly come dance... 今天的課程也很有趣~
下課後再吃點心~是昨天的千層麵, 自製果凍, 紅豆湯, 與炒冬粉(其實是包餃子剩的料啦)
歡樂過後總是伴隨著哀傷 沒錯~就是這樣~ 要寫另一份proposal, 唸Operation management 的 case....... 加油啊!!!夏天.
ps.有關老鼠的事蹟請看日記 - 發狂泰國妹與魔神仔在身邊系列