如果您是喜好剌激的玩家那速度型遊艇必能滿足您的慾望雖說最高速度大多約在1OOkm/ 上下、仍與陸地汽車相差甚、但由於其是行駛在水面上、必需面對海浪、.風阻、側向力等多變因子因此不但感官剌激相當強烈、操控樂趣更是不在話下、依照取向不同、遊艇大致上可分為速度與巡航兩大顃、其表現特性也不盡相同 All richer who want to come by sea journey,have their own yachts,is a rich and indispensable equipment.lf you have loftier requirements and are willing to pay the Price for,then you will not be disappointed with the enjoyment that the end product broduct brings. To be a top yacht owners which is demonstrated financia1and enjoy life best proof.