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篇名: 被指告密者 姚元潮臉書被灌爆
作者: 深情男子海角七號 日期: 2018.07.25  天氣:  心情:
被指告密者 姚元潮臉書被灌爆 疑關閉


2018年7月25日 下午 05:30

台中市主辦的2019年東亞青運,昨在北京召開的東亞奧林匹克委員會 (EAOC) 臨時理事會,以有政治勢力在島內發起2020東京奧運正名公投,公然挑戰奧會模式,對2019東亞青年運動會產生了巨大的政治風險為由,主導決議停辦2019台中東亞青年運動會。

公投提案人紀政今與綠委開「絕不向中國低頭」記者會。外界傳停辦是因國內有人「告密」,紀政證實,她看過東亞奧委會的正式行文,第一行就是「We are informed(我們被告知)...」,她正思考究竟是誰告密,前中華奧會國際組組長姚元潮就自己在臉書貼文,表示是他寄信給東亞奧委會。



事實上,國際奧會已向我國奧會公開了投書告知「台灣要為我國參加2020年東京奧運會的團隊改名為台灣舉辦公投」一事的人是我姚元潮,但仍有人不知此事,屢問究竟是誰投書國際奧會?現在我把寫給國際奧會這封信的原稿公諸於大眾 並說明我為什麼要投書給國際奧會的原因:

我是長期(14年)服務於中華台北奧會,從事國際事務的一名退休員工,深知我國奧會在國際運動上之處境及運作的困難.我國運動員,亦許是受愛國心的驅使,在國際賽會中,擅自使用非中華台北名稱,或揮舞及貼紙我國的國旗,幾度受到國際奧會的警告及懲罰.甚至發文提出非常嚴重的警告說: 「如果我國奧會再度違反1981年3月23日於洛桑與我國奧會簽訂的協議,國際奧會對我國奧會的處分不再是取銷涉案選手或職員的資格,而是中止我奧會的會籍,直至認為狀況已有改善後為止. 」


In order to demonstrate that we regard this matter as extremely important, the IOC hereby give your NOC formal notice that any future violation of the agreement between the IOC, Chinese Olympic Committee and the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee will result no just in disqualification of the athletes and officials involved, but in suspension of the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee for such period as the IOC considers appropriate in the circumstances.



April 12, 2018

H.E. Thomas Bach

President, IOC

Dear Mr. President,

My name is Yao Yuan-chao, a retired colonel of army, now 88 years old. After my retirement from Ministry of National Defence, I was employed by and had worked for the Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee for 14 years in charge of international affairs. I am a stalwart loyal to the Olympic Movement.

We know that you are unable to monitor and have to rely on people to speak up the event that may violate the IOC’s policy and affect a nation’s participation in the Olympic Games.According to news report released on April 4, 2018 by the United Daily News, the Central Election Committee has examined and approved the referendum on “the right name of Taiwan for the Tokyo Olympic Games” proposed by Ms. Chi Cheng, an Olympic track star. The reason given by her is: “ The name of the National Olympic Committee must reflect the territorial extent”

Citing from the 2nd clause of article 30 of the Olympic Charter ”The name of an NOC must reflect the territorial extent”, Ms. Chi failed to cite the words that follow the part she has cited—and shall be subject to the approval of the IOC Executive Board. Particularly, she failed to cite the 1st clause of article 30 of the Olympic Charter that in the Olympic Charter, the expression “country” means an independent state recognized by the international community (United Nations)

Based on what is said in the above clauses, first, Taiwan doesn’t reflect the territorial extent of its country, since other than Taiwan, there are the Penghu Islands, Kinmen and Matsu. (Taiwan is a part of the Republic of China) Second, since not recognized by the International Community (United Nations), Taiwan is not a country.

As known to all, the name of the team from Taiwan participating in the Olympic Games had been a long time issue until the IOC went to great lengths to solve it by inking an Agreement signed between the International Olympic Committee and Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee in Lausanne on March 23, 1981. Both parties reached the following agreement on the name, and flag of our NOC:

1. The name of the NOC shall be CHINESE TAIPEI OLYMPIC COMMITTEE and is as such hereby approved by the IOC

2.The CTOC submits its flag and emblem as per attached specimens, which are hereby approved by the IOC .

Because of this referendum, which apparently acts as politics interfering with sports, it may cause the name’s problem again among the members of Olympic family and what’s more, increase cross-strait crisis, since what Ms. Chi Cheng and those people intend to do is to launch Taiwan independence under the guise of changing the name to Taiwan.

Former President Mr. Samaranch always stressed preventing something from getting worse by stopping it soon before it happens, that had helped prevent a lot of disputes from taking place between Chinese Olympic Committee and Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee. May I suggest that in respect of this referendum, the IOC issue a warning toward Taiwan authority through Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee so as to prevent any problems in the future from happening .


Col. Yao Yuan-chao
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